3 of a Kind
3 of a Kind, also known as "Trips", "Set" or "Prile" (from its use in 3 Card Poker), is a poker hand which contains three cards of the same rank, plus two unmatched cards.
In Texas Hold 'Em, a "Set" refers specifically to a 3 of a Kind comprised of a pocket pair and one card of matching rank on the board.

A 3 of a Kind hand ranks above a Two Pair hand and below a Straight hand. For example, a 3 of Kind hand that contains three Kings defeats a Two Pair hand that contains a pair of Aces and Queens. However, a 3 of Kind hand that contains three Kings loses to any Straight hand.
A higher ranking 3 of a Kind defeats lower ranking 3 of a Kinds. For example, a 3 of Kind hand that contains three Kings defeats a 3 of a Kind hand that contains thee queens.
If two 3 of a Kind hands have the same rank (possible in games with wild cards or community cards), the kickers are compared to break the tie.